Feature suggestion - acquire Patreon posts

Am I seeing it correctly, that I cannot access posts for other people’s campaigns (even if I am a patreon for them), only my own?

You shouldnt be able to access someone’s own campaign posts as a patron of them.

Hay, I’m having the same problem have you found an solution for it?

Quarentine has kept me away from this project, but yes, I’m requesting the embed data. Post request URL looks like this:


The embed_url and embed_data for the returns are all null, despite the fact that three of the 4 are image posts.

I will make a note here, that looking at the Wordpress plugin, there’s no place where it calls the /posts api endpoint. I find calls for campaigns (7), current_user(4), identity (2), and clients (2)

You can try embedding a video url while making the test post (video post) and see if embed data will return when you request it.

blows off the dust

Yes, embed data for videos comes back, but not images. What am I missing?

Are you trying to get a featured image from an image post?

Yep. I just want the main image from an image post. Goal is to aggregate a list of posts (public & not) on the website to show readers what they could be getting if they support.

As far as i know, getting a featured image from an image post type is still not supported by the api.

That would be a good piece of information to put at the top of the /posts documentation. Maybe highlighted and in bold

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Okay, @codebard here’s a wishlist for /post

  • Type: I want to know if this is an image post, a text post, a video post, a poll, etc.
  • Images: I want urls for the images, whether or not I can get to those images, different story.
  • Tiers: I want to know what tiers this post is associated with.
  • Tags: I’d like the tag list for this post

These are all pretty simple things that should be able to be given using the fields[post] call. Lets put a ticket in and get the API a little more useful

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By the way, if any one is interested in a much simpler PHP library for collecting post and member data, you can use

Version 3.0 and up are compatible with Patreon’s API

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Do I have the same problem? Is there a solution?

In this case, you need to encode just the [ and ]s in your call string, and avoid encoding anything else.