I have wordpress website with premium theme which (I suppose) uses Ajax Loading method. Please bear with me since I’m not a developer myself rather an end customer.
When I view a post locked with Patreon, it places a button below the post to direct the user to become a patron to be able to see the content.
But when I click it,
the content pane (content of the post) directs to 404 error. As far as I could catch during the process, it tries to retrieve a link something like, www.mydomain.com/patreon-flow/?=post_name , which, falls into 404 error without success.
Strange thing is, when I press once or twice the back button, it displays the Patreon Join page related to my patreon account.
What is the reason of this error and what can I do to resolve this?
I’m ussing “post-name” permalink which supposed to work with this plugin. Not a custom perma. And after doing clean install of the plugin I double checked it and pressed “save” button on permalinks page to make sure it is saved this way.
Any ideas? I’d really love to integrate this functionality on my web site, yet, couldn’t find any similar reports except 1 or 2, which, eventually didn’t solve my problem.
You can check if pretty permalinks are set. It should be anything but ?id= type of permalinks. Health check section in your Patreon Settings menu in WP admin should warn if that is so.
First of all thanks for the response!
Although I have mentioned that I’m using pretty permalinks in the form of “/post-name” I rechecked it to make sure. It is set so.
The health section indicates that everything is great!? Probably minimum system requirements-wise. Because when I checked the most bottom panel there are some reports like these ->
Your site is using:
WP 5.5.1 with PHP 7.4.10 Patreon WordPress 1.6.8 with API v2
fetch_creator_info - API v2 Class - UUID some alphanumeric characters here - Response code: 401 Response :{“errors”:[{“code”:1,“code_name”:“Unauthorized”,“detail”:“The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supplied the wrong credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn’t understand how to supply the credentials required.”,“id”:“some alphanumeric ID number here in original message”,“status”:“401”,“title”:“Unauthorized”}]}
I have played around with direct access / List Index settings on my server just to prevent,
Hotlinking to files like mp3, jpg and so…
Directory list indexing of such directories like (/wp-uploads… etc)
And these settings work as expected without problem.
Can it be about these settings? If yes, then how can I make sure I still have the above protection bu at the same time letting the Patreon WP runs smoothly?
Another thing, I’m not really good at all about server side things. Is this something related to a redirect problem?
Because as I’ve mentioned before, if I press the back button 1-2 times after getting 404 Error, the browser renders/loads a Patreon page where it says something like “become redwhitesound’s patron”. But first click of the button always gives 404 Error prior to that.
Thank you a lot!
EDIT: I should mention that I tried several fresh installs of the plugin with matching tokens and etc.
If the plugin is not able to fetch creator info as seen in connection log, site’s connection to WP may have been disrupted for some reason. In that case applying the below guide will force reset it:
You can try applying that and see if this changes anything.
I’ve looked at all the topics and i think this is the one that fits the most to my problem.
When a patron logs to a locked post he gets a 404 error and i find errors link this inside the plugin logs: delete_post_webhook - API v2 Class - UUID 1f5fd2ae-7294-5dd5-90d8-63381e21bf7a - Response code: 404 Response :{“errors”:[{“code”:4,“code_name”:“ResourceMissing”,“detail”:“webhook with id 175595 was not found.”,“id”:“1f5fd2ae-7294-5dd5-90d8-63381e21bf7a”,“status”:“404”,“title”:“webhook was not found.”}]}
It seems to me that the plugin is trying to redirect to the post id 175595 but probably there is a problem with this step because my permalinks are custom links like domainname/% category%/%postname%/
Could this be the problem?
Where can i change this setting?
I could also work with redirects if i know the form i have to give to the permalink.
The post that is locked has been made with Elementor and i’ve got Yoast SEO, WP Fastest Cache and iThemes security as installed plugins.
Thanks in advance for the reply
This error is not related to your situation. The post says that it wasnt able to delete a webhook at Patreon which it created before. It does not try to redirect anything. Its just an api call to Patreon.
Thanks for your reply, but why my Patrons have this problem so? Once they log in to unlock the content they got redirected to a 404 page.
I have now removed the plug-in since it was not working and also removed the app from my Patreon, but i can make the installation once again if a fresh installation could solve the problem.
Thanks again!
If they are getting redirected to a 404 page something at your WP site may be interfering with the determination of the post url or redirections. You may not have pretty permalinks, etc. A lot of possibilities.
You can DM me the final url where your users are getting redirected at and ending up with 404.