500 Error on Identity Request (API V2)

Previously-working code requesting the users identity after getting an OAuth access token no longer works (GET request to https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/identity?fields[user]=about,created,email,first_name,full_name,image_url,last_name,social_connections,thumb_url,url,vanity). Returns the following:

{ errors: [ 
{ code: null,
code_name: 'InternalError',
detail: 'An unrecoverable internal server error has occurred.',
id: 'eba510fb-1cf4-48d7-b6ea-e0281c1a4ea9',
status: '500',
title: 'Internal Error.' } ] }

Not sure if this is my problem or if something is wrong with the server or this API endpoint in particular. Being as nothing has changed on my end I’m suspicious that it’s a problem with the server. Thought I would report it just in case. If it turns out to be my fault somehow perhaps the error message could be made to be more descriptive of the error.

I have the same problem. I used following link before:


But when I remove the social_connections section, it is working. Unfortunately I do need the social_connections part…

Same problem here…

Thanks for isolating the issue, Meffesino, I don’t actually need that information, so I’ve removed it.

Trying to do a client_credentials grant for a creator so that I can look up a patron’s tier, here’s the gist of things:

    $tokenRequest = new Request('POST', PatreonService::TOKEN_ENDPOINT);
    $tokenResponse = $this->client->send($tokenRequest, [
        'query' => [
            'grant_type' => 'client_credentials',
            'client_id' => env('PATREON_KEY'),
            'client_secret' => env('PATREON_SECRET'),
            'scope' => 'campaigns campaigns.members campaigns.members[email] campaigns.members.address',

Getting the following error:

I’m getting this error whenever I request the social_connections attribute of the User scope.

The issue with the social_connections attribute should be resolved now and you can update your code to pull the information once more. Sorry for the delay and any issues this may have caused!