I’m trying to get info on my members from the API using
let url = "https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/members/"+member_id+encodeURI(path);
I’m getting null on over 50% of url fetches.
I’ve always been able to retrieve the data for all my members before, never had an issue.
Having checked a few of the member ids returning null via audience > relationship manager, I’m wondering if it’s a currency issue: people who pay in a different currency are not returning. That’s a stab in the dark though. But I really need to resolve this error, I have time sensitive data to send. Please help!
More info:
I get a list/array of member id using:
(I have under 2000 members, so no need to page loop)
I then use the 36 character length ids to get info on each member.