I have a service worker running nightly that uses Patreon API to pull data from my account (using creator access token). On Oct 4 it started erroring out, then stopped on Oct 6, but now also produces errors.
It seems that both endpoints fail whenever you add arguments of any kind, for example page[cursor]=... or fields[member]=..., etc. Even following the next page link provided by the response to the base request (without any parameters) fails. All errors are the same: 404 with this body:
errors: [
code: 1,
code_name: 'NotFound',
detail: 'The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.',
id: '2de7eea5-5cef-5bf1-97a7-87d2a0e28a7a',
status: '404',
title: 'Not Found'
Yes, the arguments are encoded properly and all of this used to work before. Additionally, like I said, even the link returned by the API (for the next page) returns 404.
If you are using your creator token, scopes shouldnt be a problem. But the includes, relations and fields must be correct and match. Check the order in which the includes, relations and fields are being constructed.
As you can see, I can’t even request the next page using the URL provided by the initial response. Any request involving query parameters fails with 404 error after last week.
Maybe its because of the User-agent string. Can you try a call with Axios again, but this time change the user agent string to entirely something else?
Hate to bump this, but I recently ran into this issue out of the blue with the Python patreon library. Same exact issue. Tried different User Agents and different versions of urlib3 and Python to no avail. Was working fine a few months ago. Any ideas what it could be?