APIv2 can't get information about PatreonMember

Seems like some doesn’t work, in the answer where should be information like ‘lifetime_support_cents’ in “attributes”, I have only empty array {}
the query is:

Using currently_entitled_amount_cents instead of currently_entitled_tiers doesnt work?

not it’s wrong parameter for include, but I has found solution:
need to add also in req: &fields[member]=full_name,is_follower,last_charge_date,last_charge_status,lifetime_support_cents,currently_entitled_amount_cents,patron_status&fields[tier]=amount_cents,created_at,description,discord_role_ids,edited_at,patron_count,published,published_at,requires_shipping,title,url

popular php lib aslo doesn’t have it, maybe it will help somebody

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