Starting a new thread about this because it was getting confused.
There is a bug in the plugin, if I pass a User object to Patreon_Wordpress::getUserPatronage($userObject) and the output is on a user’s profile page (I’m using Ultimate Member) then instead of returning the patronage of the user passed into the function, it always returns the patronage of the current user.
What I want to happen: I want to be able to show on a user profile page whether or not they are a patron. I added this code to Ultimate Member to display a little “Patron” badge next to their name whenever it is shown:
function tardis_add_patron_badge( $name, $user_id, $html ) {
if ( ! $html )
return $name;
$pUser = new User($user_id);
if ( $pUser->is_patron() ) {
$name = $name . " <span class='badge rounded-pill text-bg-success patron-badge'>Patron</span>";
return $name;
add_filter( 'um_user_display_name_filter', 'tardis_add_patron_badge', 50, 3 );
You can see this is using a function is_patron in the User class, this is the function I added:
public function is_patron() {
$userid = $this->userid;
if(class_exists('Patreon_Wordpress')) {
$pUser = get_user_by("id", $userid);
// Check how much patronage the user has
$user_patronage = Patreon_Wordpress::getUserPatronage( $pUser );
// Check if user is a patron whose payment is declined
$declined = Patreon_Wordpress::checkDeclinedPatronage( $pUser );
if ( ( $user_patronage < ( 1 ) OR $declined ) /*AND !current_user_can( 'manage_options' )*/ ) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
So this should check if the User (which is constructed using the userid sent to it) is a patron or not.
What actually happens: This works fine if you’re looking at the user from any other context, or if the current user is not a patron but if you’re looking at the user’s profile page, and the logged in user is a patron, it always returns true so it makes it look like everyone is a patron.
I think I have found the culprit: This line in the plugin (patreon_wordpress.php line 566):
if ( self::$current_user_pledge_amount != -1 ) {
return self::$current_user_pledge_amount;
As you can see, even though we are sending a user object to this function, it immediately cancels that and sends the current user pledge amount if there is one. This undermines the whole point of being able to send a $user object to this function! Commenting this out fixes my problem!
Please can the plugin developers take a look at this, see why that code is in there in the first place, and remove it or change it please?