Calculate the total amount of sponsorship for a specific period

We have an application integrated with the Patreon API.We now need to calculate the total amount of sponsorship for a specific period for a patron. Can we calculate this using pledge events, and what are the specific calculation rules? For example, based on the attached sponsorship records, how can we determine that campaign_lifetime_support_cents equals 5000?
Alternatively, is there any other way to calculate the total amount of sponsorship for a patron during a specific period?

“data”: {
“attributes”: {
“campaign_lifetime_support_cents”: 5000,
“currently_entitled_amount_cents”: 2000,
“last_charge_status”: “Paid”
“relationships”: {
“currently_entitled_tiers”: {
“data”: [
“id”: “742695”,
“type”: “tier”
“pledge_history”: {
“data”: [
“id”: “pledge_downgrade:197908484”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“id”: “pledge_downgrade:197908199”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“id”: “pledge_start:197908172”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“id”: “pledge_delete:182217312”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“id”: “pledge_start:182217312”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“id”: “pledge_delete:152830716”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“id”: “subscription:1315520202”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“id”: “pledge_downgrade:152830716”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“id”: “pledge_start:152830674”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“type”: “member”
“included”: [
“attributes”: {},
“id”: “742695”,
“type”: “tier”
“attributes”: {
“amount_cents”: 2000,
“currency_code”: “USD”,
“date”: “2025-01-05T03:40:37.180+00:00”,
“payment_status”: null,
“pledge_payment_status”: “valid”,
“tier_id”: “742695”,
“tier_title”: “Student”,
“type”: “pledge_downgrade”
“id”: “pledge_downgrade:197908484”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“attributes”: {
“amount_cents”: 2000,
“currency_code”: “USD”,
“date”: “2025-01-05T03:37:22.878+00:00”,
“payment_status”: null,
“pledge_payment_status”: “declined”,
“tier_id”: “742695”,
“tier_title”: “Student”,
“type”: “pledge_downgrade”
“id”: “pledge_downgrade:197908199”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“attributes”: {
“amount_cents”: 2000,
“currency_code”: “USD”,
“date”: “2025-01-05T03:37:03.794+00:00”,
“payment_status”: null,
“pledge_payment_status”: “declined”,
“tier_id”: “742695”,
“tier_title”: “Student”,
“type”: “pledge_start”
“id”: “pledge_start:197908172”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“attributes”: {
“amount_cents”: 600,
“currency_code”: “USD”,
“date”: “2024-08-26T14:52:42.829+00:00”,
“payment_status”: null,
“pledge_payment_status”: “valid”,
“tier_id”: “742657”,
“tier_title”: “Passerby”,
“type”: “pledge_delete”
“id”: “pledge_delete:182217312”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“attributes”: {
“amount_cents”: 600,
“currency_code”: “USD”,
“date”: “2024-08-26T13:51:33.831+00:00”,
“payment_status”: null,
“pledge_payment_status”: “valid”,
“tier_id”: “742657”,
“tier_title”: “Passerby”,
“type”: “pledge_start”
“id”: “pledge_start:182217312”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“attributes”: {
“amount_cents”: 1200,
“currency_code”: “USD”,
“date”: “2024-02-02T14:10:34.060+00:00”,
“payment_status”: null,
“pledge_payment_status”: “valid”,
“tier_id”: “742659”,
“tier_title”: “Brawler”,
“type”: “pledge_delete”
“id”: “pledge_delete:152830716”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“attributes”: {
“amount_cents”: 1200,
“currency_code”: “USD”,
“date”: “2024-01-05T00:00:00.000+00:00”,
“payment_status”: “Paid”,
“pledge_payment_status”: null,
“tier_id”: “742659”,
“tier_title”: “Brawler”,
“type”: “subscription”
“id”: “subscription:1315520202”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“attributes”: {
“amount_cents”: 1200,
“currency_code”: “USD”,
“date”: “2023-12-05T02:37:02.482+00:00”,
“payment_status”: null,
“pledge_payment_status”: “valid”,
“tier_id”: “742659”,
“tier_title”: “Brawler”,
“type”: “pledge_downgrade”
“id”: “pledge_downgrade:152830716”,
“type”: “pledge-event”
“attributes”: {
“amount_cents”: 1200,
“currency_code”: “USD”,
“date”: “2023-12-05T02:36:21.788+00:00”,
“payment_status”: null,
“pledge_payment_status”: “declined”,
“tier_id”: “742659”,
“tier_title”: “Brawler”,
“type”: “pledge_start”
“id”: “pledge_start:152830674”,
“type”: “pledge-event”

You would have to paginate the pledge events of the member for a given period and then calculate that amount for that period. If you dont need this retroactively, you can start recording the pledges/payments of your members on your side as they happen from now on to make things easier.

We need to process historical data, such as calculating the total sponsorship amount from all sponsors before March 1, 2024.As for the pledge events attached, how to calculate his total support cents before March 1, 2024?

As I said, you will have to paginate each patron’s history and sum the amounts in the pledge_events resources’ payment events to arrive at those sums based on their dates.

Hope this helps others. The key to calculating ‘total support’ by ‘pledge events’ is to take the maximum pledge amount for each valid pledge, on a monthly basis. Here’s the relevant code.

JSONArray includedJA = resultJO.getJSONArray("included");
for (int i = 0; i < includedJA.length(); i++) {
    JSONObject pledgeEventJO = includedJA.getJSONObject(i);
    if (!"pledge-event".equals(pledgeEventJO.getString("type"))) {
    JSONObject pledgeAttrJO = pledgeEventJO.getJSONObject("attributes");
    String paymentStatus = pledgeAttrJO.optString("payment_status");
    String pledgePaymentStatus = pledgeAttrJO.optString("pledge_payment_status");
    String eventType = pledgeAttrJO.optString("type");
    boolean isValid =
        ("subscription".equals(eventType) ||
            "pledge_start".equals(eventType) ||
            "pledge_upgrade".equals(eventType) ||
            "pledge_downgrade".equals(eventType)) &&
        ("Paid".equals(paymentStatus) || "valid".equals(pledgePaymentStatus));
    if (!isValid) {
    String eventDate = pledgeAttrJO.optString("date");
    String currencyCode = pledgeAttrJO.optString("currency_code");
    double amountCents = convertToUsd(pledgeAttrJO.optInt("amount_cents", 0), currencyCode);
    String pledgeMonth = eventDate.substring(0, 7);
    if (monthHighestPledges.containsKey(pledgeMonth)) {
        if (amountCents > monthHighestPledges.get(pledgeMonth)) {
            monthHighestPledges.put(pledgeMonth, amountCents);
    } else {
        monthHighestPledges.put(pledgeMonth, amountCents);