Hi everyone,
I am successfully locking specific parts of my theme code using the method outlined here: https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Patreon-WordPress-how-to-lock-any-part-of-your-Website-dqneEVjvuYrPbkEJfOuhG
However, that demo uses $7 as an example Patreon level that must be met to ‘unlock’ the content. How can I check the “Patreon Level” that is set for each individual post (via the metabox that the plugin adds to the Wordpress editor) rather than being stuck with a hardcoded $7 unlock?
- Get all posts
- Loop through all posts
- For each: check the Patreon Level that has been set via the plugin’s metabox
- Run custom locking code using the specific Patreon Level for each post to decide whether locked or not (rather than the hardcoded $7)
Thanks for any help!