Hey there,
I’m building an integration for a project of mine and we are using Patreon as the payment platform.
I’m quite confused on how the flow of pledges go:
Question 1:
first time user creates pledge (charge upfront) -> user deletes pledge.
Will this fire a member:pledge:delete event at the time of deleting the pledge or will it fire at the end of the month?
Question 2:
first time user creates pledge (charge upfront) -> payment didn’t process
Will this fire a member:pledge:create event and then a member:pledge:delete when payment is recognized as failed. or will nothing fire?
Question 3:
How can I be sure that a payment is paid.
The docs said that member:update is fired when payment events occur.
Does that mean that I need to listen for that event to only apply tiers when payment is actually paid?
if so, how can I tell the difference between the end of month payment and first time upfront?
Thanks in advance for any answer.