Currently_entitled_tiers empty with active_patron

i am check webhook log,and find a user 's log interesting,the user trigger the members:create ->members:pledge:create → members:update ->members:pledge:delete ->members:update ->members:delete->members:create->members:pledge:create .and some event trigger multitimes
what cause me issue is that user may paid the money,but after the members:delete, the followed members:pledge:create 's currently_entitled_tiers is empty ,is that means user is not entitled to my contents?

"currently_entitled_tiers": {
              "data": []
          "id": "xxx",
          "type": "member",
          "attributes": {
            "pledge_relationship_start": "2024-01-08T18:44:21.001+00:00",
            "next_charge_date": "2024-02-09T00:00:00.000+00:00",
            "patron_status": "active_patron",
            "currently_entitled_amount_cents": 1999,
            "last_charge_date": "2024-01-08T18:44:23.000+00:00",
            "full_name": "yyyy",
            "note": "",
            "last_charge_status": "Paid",
            "lifetime_support_cents": 1999,
            "is_follower": false,
            "is_free_trial": false,
            "campaign_lifetime_support_cents": 1999,
            "pledge_cadence": 1,
            "will_pay_amount_cents": 0,
            "email": "xxx"

If the user is constantly pledging/canceling, he or she may be trying to trigger a webhook in your integration to get extra rewards. Make sure that your webhook integration takes into account such cases.

currently_entitled_tiers being empty means that the user is not entitled to any specific tier. But still check currently_entitled_amount_cents in order to make sure whether the user is entitled to a given $ amount.

thx for your reply, but i am still curious about why did currently_entitled_amount_cents is 1999 ,while currently_entitled_tiers is empty. i think user can only pay for tier? think the situation, if i have two tier ,one is 9.99 and the other if 19.99, if user not pay me for tier, how could i detect what tier service should i offer?

thx for your reply, but i am still curious about why did currently_entitled_amount_cents is 1999 ,while currently_entitled_tiers is empty. i think user can only pay for tier? think the situation, if i have two tier ,one is 9.99 and the other if 19.99, if user not pay me for tier, how could i detect what tier service should i offer?

The users should be able to choose a custom payment amount if they desire to do so. Try to check and confirm how much is this particular member is paying at