I’m releasing a new site around my books, and have run into an issue where code in the custom call to action banner isn’t displaying.
For posts where someone has to be a patron, the code below should be displaying in blog posts:
<h3 style="text-align: center;">Become a Patron to see this content (and get amazing rewards too)!</h3>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/join/anthonystclair?"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-15" src="https://rucksackuniverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/become_a_patron_button@2x.png" alt="Become a Patron" width="434" height="102" /></a>
Displayed version should include a “become a patron” graphic button, that links to my Patreon.
However, I tested with a post earlier, and this is what displays. No button, and while there’s text, there are no links.
I’m running current version of Wordpress and current version of all plugins. Haven’t been able to sort out what’s wrong though. Any insights?
Which particular call to action banner are you using?
The custom call to action banner in the post editor? Or the site-wide one in Patreon Settings menu?
I’m using the custom call to action banner in the Patreon Wordpress Settings.
The individual post is set for patrons at a $5+ level
I see. I will look into this and update this post by tomorrow.
I wasnt able to reproduce this. The exact code you gave works, and shows a rather large become a patron button with the code you gave as well.
Are you using the custom banner editor input box in text mode, or visual mode? If in visual mode, it may not work.
Huh. Thank you for testing it on your end. Code was input via the Text editor, not visual.
Any insights on what could be tripping things up? I’ll look through other plugins and see if there might be a conflict.
OK, seeing it on the post now. Not sure what was up. Even though I had code in the custom banner, though, the post was showing both the custom and default code. I’m just going to take out the custom code for now, and roll with the default.
Your caching plugin may be interfering with things. It can be other caching systems like Redis. After making such changes, especially site-wide stuff, emptying all your cache may be necessary.