hey there, I was wondering if there is anything specific needed to happen for custom post types, seems the plugin is ignoring them. Where does the plugin Hook up? The Loop?
Plugin shouldnt ignore them. Where exactly is the issue appearing? In post listing? Is the locking value box visible in custom post type’s post editor?
Yeah it’s visible and filled up with a value. However, when you go to that post, it seems Patreon gets ignored or it’s loaded in wrong area.
Its loaded in the wrong area as in?
Not sure, just giving ideas, maybe the plugin locks different area from the one that’s supposed to. Do you know why it wouldn’t work?
Can you pm me link to the said post from the forum’s pm utility?
I could if I could find it … Can you message me so I can reply?
It turned out that the content was being served through ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) plugin and therefore avoiding the_content filter which allows Patreon WordPress to lock content.