When I write a post, there is an option to lock the post to Patreon sponsors only, however I can’t seem to get it to work. There is a box to add a minimum backer level, but I can’t enter anything into the box. There is an advanced button, which seems to have the same issue. There is also a note that says “Post locking won’t work without Creator ID. Please confirm you have it here” when I click on the link, it takes me to my Patreon plugin settings page, which is all filed out and up to date. On that page, there is a similar note “Please confirm you have it here” but that link just takes me to the same page I’m already on.
I tried my best to make my newest post only available for Patreon backers, but it went public, so I had to take it down until I fix this. I have used this feature before (in December) and I’m running WP 5.1 and the current version of the patreon plugin.