File not found when hitting patreon-authorization/ route

Just installed the plugin and this is happening, any idea why it might be?

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I’m having a similar issue. I click on, “create OAuth client” and it takes me to a fox floating in space.

Your site must be using pretty permalinks for the plugin to work. You can check your site health and any warning/info in Patreon Settings -> Health Check menu in your WP admin.

When I go to the health check I’m told, “your Patreon integration health is great!”

You do not see any warning about pretty permalinks?

That’s odd. You should contact your host and ask about rewrite rules then. Or, you may need to refresh your permalinks by going to Permalinks and then saving.

This is what I see.

I haven’t to set it up manually yet, just via the wizard. So I’ll try that first before rewriting anything.

Rewrite is not something which you do as the admin. Its something that WP does. You dont need to do any manual setup etc. Just follow the below guide:

I’ve done this a few times and have not had success.

.htaccess is writeable by Wordpress and I can see the change when I go from, “plain” to, “day and name.”

Alright, then the best option is to contact your host and tell them about this situation.