Gate content within page for both PMPro members and patrons

My site is currently running PMPro and has several PMPro membership required blocks within pages.

I want to ensure that both my legacy PMPro subscribers and new patrons are to use the same functionality. Site is using Patreon Pro plugin.

What is the best way to accomplish this?

Edit: i’ve sent the PMPro membersips to $1/ month, same as my Patreon account. I charge existing members either annually or quarterly. When I log in as a paying patron the PMPro membership block content is locked and I (as a patron) am unable to view it.

Non-monthly charging of members may cause problems with the compatibility code. Try creating a private monthly test membership for $1-2 at PMP and then cross-checking it with your Patreon campaign by trying to unlock it via both plugins.

Check out how the compatibility works:

I have created a new tier with $1/ month and added that as an option in the PMPro membership block. My patron account (I test this incognito, logged into Patreon) is not able to access the content.

I’ve flushed website cache and attempted more incognito login attempts. I am still unable to access content inside the membership boxes.

Avoid using incognito. Try a new browser profile, or another browser.