I would like to get a notification with user’s email+charged money (for example via webhook) every time when Patreon successfully charged money from a user. Is it possible? What kind of interface should I use?
If there is no webhook for this, what do you suggest me for this?
Thanks so much, for your help!
You can see pledge related webhook triggers in documentation:
PHP lib has a working webhook example as well:
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Patreon\API;
use Patreon\OAuth;
// This example shows you how to create a webhook at Patreon API to notify you when you have any member changes in your campaign
// Create a client first, using your creator's access token
// If you dont know the campaign id you are targeting already, fetch your campaigns and get the id for the campaign you need. If you already know your campaign id, just skip this part
$campaigns_response = $api_client->fetch_campaigns();
// Get the campaign id
$campaign_id = $campaigns_response['data'][0]['id'];
// If you have more than one campaign in the return, you have to iterate to find the one you want. If return format is array (as is default), just iterate the array and get the id you want
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