Hi there!
I’m currently making a request to https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/identity?include=memberships.currently_entitled_tiers and I’m able to get some data back
included: [
attributes: {},
id: '3f7e6265-52dc-4837-a1bf-c6fb8cd92632',
relationships: [Object],
type: 'member'
attributes: {},
id: 'bd71839c-8391-444d-bd80-075b96d14f24',
relationships: [Object],
type: 'member'
attributes: {},
id: 'f9bcf7f2-e3ff-425c-8124-4fbb370c3f9e',
relationships: [Object],
type: 'member'
{ attributes: {}, id: '5677061', type: 'tier' },
{ attributes: {}, id: '9384773', type: 'tier' }
links: { self: 'https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/user/17981519' }
My question is how can I know which ID belongs to the campaign I’m looking for (3f7e6265-52dc-4837-a1bf-c6fb8cd92632, etc)? I was able to manually locate it by finding a match in the tier IDs that exist on one of the creator pages, however, I would like to know in the future how I could just locate this ID ahead of time. Also, I’m assuming that no two creators would share the same id for any tier?