I’m working in PHP. Exclusive to API v2 is the unability to set more than 20 pledges per request using ?page%5Bcount%5D=100
to get a maximum of 100 pledges. Not only I don’t need to make pagination for my patron list on my site as it doesn’t make any sense in my case, but it also seems like API v2 doesn’t even include pagination except some strange page%5Bcursor%5D=12345678abcdefg
, all that I found in the documentation on this case.
About requesting only active patrons - while I could filter them out with some foreach loops, it would be nicer to request only the data I need to put less stress on Patreon servers as well as on mine. There’s nothing on this in the API documentation.
In my understanding, there’s currently no sorting by lifetime_ammount_cents
? It would be useful to show the OG veterans on the top of the list, instead of all over the place. I could also sort that with some foreach loop, but again, It would be nice to have without having to set up dozens of foreach loops just to sort out this data the way I need.
I have to say that I’m just a few days new to Patreon API, and also not that experienced in PHP. If I have missed something, or you have any good workarounds for these issues, let me know.