and this is not enough , have anybody done this before and can guide me to good example . i have looked all over documentations but no luck , i appreciate the help .
there are other links which i used that are like this , with some google search for what u want to get exactly , you can find some few but good examples . And dont forget that they use Json:Api and that is good documented .
I dont know if this is official or not , but as long as it works who cares man
Actually, I care … and a lot. When you are using something get doing a reverse engineered, from my point of view, you are implicitly breaking a (gentlemen) contract between the parts. Even if these are exposed, if they said (prefer) us to not use them (for whatever reason they have) I think we should respect and wait for the official release of such endpoints.
So, I prefer something broken but official … than something working but unofficial (aka not-meant-to-be-used)
Considering that the API is now considered to be in maintenance by Patreon, I wonder whether the community should take up an effort to better support it.
Awesome! I don’t see comments in the posts endpoint. The v2 documentation also could specifically detail that the endpoint is for GET requests only and does not accept POST. It’s clear once you read through the content; however, it’s not initially obvious.