So, I’ve been using this on two different sites connected to two different patreons. Neither import new posts. That’s fine… I just update manually.
Until a patron told me they can’t access the site. They can’t login. They can’t login, because their user was never created. NONE of them have been created. So I’ve been doing this for months for no-one.
Is there someway to force it to load users?
WP 5.7.2 with PHP 7.4.20
Patreon WordPress 1.7.5 with API v2
Users dont automatically get created - their accounts are created the first time they log in.
Did that user try logging in via login screen using Patreon or tried to use ‘Unlock with Patreon’ button on locked content?
They get sent into the loop…
Permission/pledge flow at Patreon? Then they still end up with locked content at your site?
If so, check if any caching plugins are set to serve cached pages to logged in users at your site. Also make sure the host does not have server side caching that does the same.