Is the user subscribed on my campaign?

Hi lads,
I have my OAuth CLient App that has user’s access_token.

So my task then is to check if the user who consented to give his access to Patreon is subscribed (has paid subscription) on my campaign (for example Campaign B) or not.

Could you guide me through choosing relevant scope in initial OAuth Request and then help me with forming the complete query URL? Because during the API call I always get notified that I form Bad Request 400 error code.

Check out the examples in the easy to read PHP lib:

It has various examples for all use cases.

I’ve checked the “examples” folder and tbh I don’t see relevant to my task API calls examples except the fetch_user request fulfilled with fetch_user method. Anyway I don’t wanna install the entire Patreon API package in order to execute only 1 API call.

Could you please be more specific?

The readme itself has an example for having users log into your app. Then you can use fetch user to fetch user details, including patronage and others as can be seen in the examples.

Anyway I don’t wanna install the entire Patreon API package in order to execute only 1 API call.

The entire lib is tiny so you should be able to put it in anywhere.