I’m trying to encourage members of a website I run to pledge to my Patreon page. I want to be able to give users profile badges which reflect how many months they’ve actively supported my page for.
This is the design I’m working with:
If a user pledges today and maintains their pledge, in 12 months time I’d want to show that they’ve been a patron for 12 months.
If a user was to pledge today but cancel their pledge then return 12 months later to pledge a second time, I would only want to show the months they were actively pledged for, and not include any periods of inactivity.
Is this something I can achieve with the v2 Patreon API?
Okay, I’ve figured it out. If I include user and pledge_history as well as the payment_status and type fields from https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/campaigns/{campaign_id}/members I can see exactly how many monthly payments each user has made and infer the value I need from that.