When calling the the current_user endpoint with an access token having the scope users and pledges-to-me the response returns an empty response set for pledges. I’m unsure what is causing this, I’ve increased the pledge of the account I am logging in as for the owner of the client. But to no avail. Are there any restrictions that might cause pledges to not show on the current_user endpoint?
I’ve tried adding the include=pledge,rewards but that didn’t help either.
Hey Luceos,
If I understand your question correctly, you’re trying to access the pledges for the campaign that is associated with the Client ID. If so, you’ll want to use /current_user/campaign with the include pledges. More info about that here: https://docs.patreon.com/#fetch-a-creator-profile-and-campaign-info
Instead of /current_user/campaign I needed to set /current_user/campaigns according to the docs. Now I run into an error though: A runtime check failed.