While browsing through your forum, i found a new way to restrict content to Patreon with tier higher than a certain amount.
I was able to create the snipet and include a nice HTML content in the snippet but i did a test with a new Patreon user that subscribed to my tier for 3$ and the section is still displaying the locking gate to this user despite the fact that he is logged in Wordpress and his WP account is linked with Patreon.

Find bellow my code, that is diplaying the gate to non patreon users, but should be displaying the HTML content after the ELSE to patreon >3$.
Here is the URL where i am doing some tests: https://warzoneloadout.games/warzone-loadout-dev-environment/
Thank you very much for your help, it’s much appreciated as always!
$patreon_custom_gate_level = 3; // Replace 7 with the $ value which you want to gate this content with - without the $ sign
if ( $patreon_gate = Patreon_Frontend::gate_custom_content($patreon_custom_gate_level) ) {
echo $patreon_gate;
else {
<h3 style="color:white; font-family:gagalin; padding: 5px; font-size:15px;">Details about the gun</h3>
<table style="width:100%; text-align:center; color:white; font-family:alata; table-layout:fixed; border: none;">
<th style="font-family: gagalin; color:#0c71c3; font-size: 15px; font-weight:regular;">Description</th>
<th style="font-family: gagalin; color:#0c71c3; font-size: 15px; font-weight:regular;">Pros</th>
<th style="font-family: gagalin; color:#0c71c3; font-size: 15px; font-weight:regular;">Cons</th>
<td>The TEC-9 is the new SMG launched for season 5 in Warzone. By default the gun is semi-auto, but can be modified to be burst or fully auto!</td>
<td>One of the best ttk at range for SMG
Excellent damage profile and damage per second!</td>
<td>Only usable with the fully auto muzzle, one of the last attachment to unlock!
<br> Cannot use any suppressor, so you will be shown to the ennemies on the map.</td>
<table style="width:100%; text-align:center; color:white; font-family:alata; table-layout:fixed; border: none;">
<th style="font-family: gagalin; color:#0c71c3; font-size: 15px; font-weight:regular;">Playstyles</th>
<th style="font-family: gagalin; color:#0c71c3; font-size: 15px; font-weight:regular;">Pair it with those guns</th>
<th style="font-family: gagalin; color:#0c71c3; font-size: 15px; font-weight:regular;">Similar guns</th>
<td>Thanks to the damage profile, the TEC-9 is a really good SNIPER SUPPORT.
However be carefull of the red dots on the mini map, you will be revealed to your ennemies!
It's also a very good option to run in Rebirth Island.</td>
<a href="https://warzoneloadout.games/?page_id=585" target="_blank" style="text-align:center; color:white; font-family:alata; text-decoration: underline;">Kar98k</a>
<a href="https://warzoneloadout.games/?page_id=1371" target="_blank" style="text-align:center; color:white; font-family:alata; text-decoration: underline;">Swiss K31</a>
<a href="https://warzoneloadout.games/?page_id=1365" target="_blank" style="text-align:center; color:white; font-family:alata; text-decoration: underline;">PPSH-41</a>
<a href="https://warzoneloadout.games/?page_id=330" target="_blank" style="text-align:center; color:white; font-family:alata; text-decoration: underline;">Bullfrog</a>
<a href="https://warzoneloadout.games/?page_id=2467" target="_blank" style="text-align:center; color:white; font-family:alata; text-decoration: underline;">CW AK47 (With close range build)</a>