I was hoping to launch my site today, and after experiencing no Wordpress-Patreon plugin problems up to now, I thought it would be a formality to set up a test Patron and ensure that it could access the locked content.
Unfortunately not. The content remains locked. The Unlock with Patreon page continually appears. I can login successfully with the new account, but it never unlocks the content.
Looking at the JavaScript console, there is an error:
?v=2.0:16 WebSocket connection to ‘wss://public-api.wordpress.com/pinghub/wpcom/me/newest-note-data’ failed:
Obviously, I can view the content as Admin, in which case this error does not occur. I need to get this fixed. Any help please!
WP 5.9.1 with PHP 7.4.28
Patreon WordPress 1.8.2 with API v2
One more thing: After pressing the Unlock button, when the user presses the Allow button on the permissions page, the following JavaScript console warning msg appears:
I just saw the Health Check option. Apparently, my integration health is “great”, despite it not working at all. There are connection errors from earlier today as well as a couple of weeks ago, but there are no new ones created if I try to access some unlockable content. These old errors are of the type:
fetch_user - API v2 Class - UUID 7772fb80-5d6d-55d3-be0e-67aab08dd352 - Response code: 401 Response :{“errors”:[{“code”:1,“code_name”:“Unauthorized”,“detail”:“The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supplied the wrong credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn’t understand how to supply the credentials required.”,“id”:“7772fb80-5d6d-55d3-be0e-67aab08dd352”,“status”:“401”,“title”:“Unauthorized”}]}
the msgs from 2 weeks ago
fetch_tiers - API v2 Class - UUID 6a2f7500-e993-4d2d-b7d0-066d586501a4 - Response code: 401 Response :{“errors”:[{“code”:1,“code_name”:“Unauthorized”,“detail”:“The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supplied the wrong credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn’t understand how to supply the credentials required.”,“id”:“6a2f7500-e993-4d2d-b7d0-066d586501a4”,“status”:“401”,“title”:“Unauthorized”}]}
I need a solution to this within the next couple of days or else I’ll have to remove all the Patreon integration and use a service that I can get to work.
And this morning, 24 hours after creating the account, it suddenly works. Is this a new user problem, or a first day of the month problem, or did you fix something? It would be useful to know to warn new users what to expect.