So I added the Patreon Plugin, did the import, everything went fine
However, when I check the front-end (the website my visitors see), it shows they need to pledge at least $1 — no mention of the Tiers. And checked EVERYWHERE to see where I can make the edit to choose the specific Tiers, nothing!
Second, I have a couple new posts already on my Patreon, which for some reason, didn’t update to my WP site, so I went to do another import, thinking the Plugin is smart enough to detect which posts I already imported, and now it’s doing a FULL import AGAIN, so I will have DOUBLE POSTS on my WP page.
This Plugin needs important updates where it can automatically state what Tiers is attached to the specific post the reader/ web site visitor is trying to access.
AND it needs to quick update mode NOT just a full import.
Maybe I’m just new to this but those don’t seem like big asks.
Appreciate the help and if anyone know how I can delete the DOUBLE post from the Plugin Import, that’d be great.
Tier info is not returned by the api yet. Tier info importing for posts will be possible after api has that feature.
If new posts are not coming in, your site may have lost connection to Patreon. You can employ below guide to force it to refresh:
If plugin is double-importing posts, there is a situation at your WP installation - plugin knows which posts it imported. So it shouldnt happen.
But, if you already had some posts posted manually at WP before, and you re-imported those posts for the first time from Patreon, then double posting can happen if the post titles dont match each other.
You can delete the double posts from post manager normally, like how you delete any post.
Didn’t get any of that, but thanks for replying. Please keep in mind, we’re not all tech wizards here, we’re just trying our best.
Also, ever since I added the plugin to WP and connected it to my Patreon, I have NOT been able to do ANY new post updates via the Patreon website nor through the app. What’s up with that?! Any suggestions to remedy/fix this issue.
Also, whenever it does sync or do an import, it NEVER brings in that pic/photo or video attached to the specific post. WHY???
So if you’re a photographer, blogger, videographer, artists, singer, or anyone that shares pics and videos in their Patreon posts, this plugin is completely pointless because it won’t import them into WP. The only way is to pretty much copy/paste each of those scheduled posts manually one by one from Patreon and directly posting them into WP. Man… that’s a lot of work.
Do you intend to have those post types supported by the Patreon api for syncing/importing, if so, when?
The plugin provides pretty neat image locking at your WP site.
Which incentivizes your patrons to unlock them by pledging.
And yes, until different post types are supported at Patreon api, images or audio/video files at Patreon will have to be manually posted into imported posts.
Do you intend to have those post types supported by the Patreon api for syncing/importing, if so, when?