Very possibly, you have put in an incorrect url in the redirect uri setting in your client settings at Patreon.
If you visit the settings page of the plugin in your WP admin, what redirect uri you should use should already be shown there. Just copy and paste it into the relevant redirect uri field at client settings at Patreon, and it should work.
Hi. Thanks for the help. Yes i copy-pasted the redirect uri that the patreon plug provided but still doesn’t work. I gotta admit that i don’t have a lot of knowledge about how to fill the info patreon asks to register a client so, maybe i added something wrong?
and nothing else. i’m not sure if something is missing there that the site doesn’t show. also, it shows as a grey text that seems to be un-clikable (there’s no “copy to clipboard” button either)
It could be that you are using both http:// and https:// urls at the site. So if you make your redirect url with https://, then http:// urls at your site cause this error, and if you make your redirect url http://, vice versa.
You should set your WP site to only use https:// or http://. https:// is better for SEO purposes.