New to Patreon and just integrated w/ Wordpress - patron users being created with admin roles

When Patrons are allowing access, it’s giving my Patrons “administrator” roles in Wordpress. Anyone have this issue before?

For now I’m manually moving them to a “subscriber” role.


You can close this if you want, it’s a default setting that I needed to fix. Found the fix here:

No, no one has reported this. It could have been caused by a plugin or some other setting, and it seems you have found the culprit already.

I’m having the exact same issue. My default user role is subscriber.

Actually, it’s connecting the patreon account to MY admin account. I can’t understand how it’s connecting the two. I recorded a video here:

I’m logged into Safari with my wordpress admin.
I’m using Chrome to test and am logged out of the wordpress site, and out of Patreon.

I use the default generated Patreon Unlock link to try to login to my wordpress site.

I log in to the Patreon account, and ALLOW it to access PolyNome. Then I get the “Sorry. Logging in Administrators via Patreon is turned off in options. Please login with your WordPress account first”

Why would I see that message? The email I’m using for the Patreon is different from the email I’m using for the Admin of my website.

I created the separate Patreon user (different email, different name) so I could test the site like I was someone else. And now, somehow or other, it thinks I’m the Admin whenever I try to login through Patreon.

I tried deleting the wordpress plugin. I tried disconnecting from Patreon (I had to delete the key on Patreon and manually wipe the values in the wordpress plugin because of another error)

Everything is fresh, and it’s still happening.

If someone can explain what’s going on in the background so I can try and understand how this is going wrong I’d be very appreciative.


P.S. There’s also a strange issue where all the gravatar images in the settings->discussion are the Patreon fox. I can’t fix that either.

Is there any plugin which modifies user roles in your site?

No plugins that modify roles that I can think of.

Further tests indicate that my problem is different to the one that opened this thread. It’s not that Patreon users logging in are being given admin roles, it’s that when I try to log in with my test Patreon account, it thinks that account should be connected to the admin for wordpress. The email addresses are different, and I’m logged out of both Patreon and Wordpress when I start the testing.

I make sure that there’s no account (patreon, or email related) that links to the email of my test Patreon account.

Then I try to login via the Patreon plugin “unlock this content - BECOME A PATRON” link.

If I use my wife’s Patreon account, it creates a new user on the site, and all is good.

If I use my test Patreon account, it thinks that should be connected to the Administrator account of wordpress and doesn’t let me in because I’ve unchecked the “Allow Administrators” box in plugin settings.

To clarify, I have two Patreon accounts, and an Admin wordpress account. Each has a different email address, and they’re from different domains.

The account for my creator Patreon page is the one that’s hooked into my Wordpress site.
The second Patreon account I only set up so I could test as a user. It has a different email address.

Also, the test Patreon account did seem to work as expected a few times. I’d been testing how it looked to a user to login with Patreon when you don’t have an account on the site. Then I’d delete the account that was created. Then I wanted to know what happened if they already had an account on Wordpress with the same email, so I deleted the account that had been created by Patreon, registered with the email address directly in Wordpress, etc.

At some point, it just started thinking that my test Patreon account should be linked to the Admin of Wordpress. I’m just trying to figure out where the logic is that attempts to link accounts, and how it could have been confused.

I hope that makes sense.

it’s that when I try to log in with my test Patreon account, it thinks that account should be connected to the admin for wordpress. The email addresses are different, and I’m logged out of both Patreon and Wordpress when I start the testing

If I use my wife’s Patreon account, it creates a new user on the site, and all is good.

These two situations indicate that at one point you likely logged into WP via your Patreon test account while already having logged into WP as admin before. This would link your Patreon test account with admin account and then after that it would be recognized as such.

You can try creating a new Patreon test account and then logging in via that after making sure that you have not logged into WP and cleared all cookies related to your WP site. (you can use Web developer extension to clear a domain’s cookies).

That would make sense.

Do you happen to know where the information is stored that links accounts like that? Is it something I can delete from the database? Is the information stored in cookies? Is it stored on the Patreon server?

Of course, I’d much rather have the ability to clear that data than have to create a new Patreon account where possible.

Part of the reason I’m asking is I’d like to know if it’s possible to manually link accounts somehow.

If, for example, someone already has an account on my site, and they become a patron while logged out, and their Patreon account uses a different email address, then presumably a fresh account will be created on my site. Is there a way of combining those in the future? Or a way of identifying which accounts have been linked to Patreon accounts?

Thanks again.

Its in usermeta table - patreon_user_id meta key stores Patreon user ids of linked accounts.

If, for example, someone already has an account on my site, and they become a patron while logged out, and their Patreon account uses a different email address, then presumably a fresh account will be created on my site. Is there a way of combining those in the future?

A way to disconnect a linked account is something that is likely to be added in near releases.