Oauth V2 issue getting members not possible?

Hi, I’ve read the v2 documentation about a thousand times, then ended up developing the following process in Laravel/vue.js: when user visits my page that is for member, they are asked to click on the patreon button, then I get the code, and save the code for myself, with a 20 day expiry, while I am not asking them to login again. But this make no sense to me.

Now, I didn’t want this, I don’t want to bother my users to click around, I want to have my own list of my members, just like before, and I will do the check instead of the user, but I was unable to find any way to do this simple task.
My plan is that I run a scheduled api request (once a day or so, I am not so strict, I don’t need a webhook), and I update my database, and when the user visits my page, I check their email to see if they have a valid membership. So I don’t need to ask for the user code, why would I need it?

If this all make any sense to anybody, can you please advise how you handle your restricted pages? Thanks.

You dont need users’ tokens to check memberships of users who are subscribed to your campaign. Your creator access token is enough to do that.

But if your users need to log into your app, then you have to get tokens for those users just like how you are doing, and save them. And invalidate the token and the user session to your app whenever either the token expires or the local session expires.

My plan is that I run a scheduled api request

If you have a way to match Patreon users to local users (through email etc), you can just use your creator access token and sync your patrons. (but dont sync users who dont have their email not verified at Patreon - only verified emails).

If you dont have a way to match Patreon users to local users, you need to make a login system that will have them log in via Patreon. (by using the user tokens you generate).

Hi, thank you for your response. I had a similar assumption, but I haven’t been able to find any information on how to use the creator endpoint—for instance, the specific URL or the parameters that need to be passed.

Additionally, I understand that a refresh token is necessary since the other one expires, but I haven’t come across any guidance on how to refresh the token from the backend without requiring a login, especially when the API response indicates that the token is unauthenticated or expired.

I appreciate your help with this. Thank you.

Update: I’ve figured out that using the url https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/campaigns/{campaign_id}/members?include=user&fields[user]=email I am able to get user data, but the attributes are empty and everywhere they write I need to set scopes to include email. I am the creator, and in the api keys there is no scopes field, as well as the member, and never set anywhere email restrictions.

Does anybody know how to access patreon’s api/developers support? This is very annoying, that I can’t find info anywhere on the net, and my issue never happened to anyone before, however getting the members’ email list should be the top 1 api response in an app like this. Thanks in advance.
The response should look like this:

but mine looks like this:

You can just refresh the token at /oauth2/token with the method listed in the api docs.

All the fields that you want in a call need to be specifically asked.

Your creator token does not need authorization, you can access your campaign with it.

I have ended up storing a code on my server and added an expiry date to it, to save my users to login to patreon every time they use the app becsuse I wasn’t able to get the list of members. Do the problem persists. However I wonder why the url doesn’t contain client secret? That way anyone can get somebody’s patreon data by setting up a fake app and trigger with my client id and I am going to get into trouble. How is this possible and why is this better than the normal api way of passing id and secret and get token and full list? Reading the discussions here I think patreon made an error with v2 and should revert.

The authorization codes are sent only to the authorized redirect uris that are saved in your client’s details at Patreon. A random source using your client id would never be able to get the authorization code, leaving aside the tokens that can be acquired with them. The only way they could do it would be if they actually hacked your infra and took control of the servers/infra that serves those redirect uris from your app.