'page[count]' query parameter is not working

I’m trying to fetch a full list of my campaign members but it seems like I can only fetch maximum 20 rows each request, whatever the value of ‘page[count]’ I set.

Request Url: https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/campaigns/2562159/members
Url with Query: https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/campaigns/2562159/members?page%5Bcount%5D=100&include=currently_entitled_tiers&fields%5Bmember%5D=patron_status,is_follower,full_name,email,pledge_relationship_start,lifetime_support_cents,currently_entitled_amount_cents,last_charge_date,last_charge_status,note,will_pay_amount_cents

yes, page[count] doesn’t work so far.
You will need to process everything by 20 rows, using links.next to get next 20 results on the next request

Have there been any updates on this? I would also like to increase the page size.
Right now I’m parsing through them 20 at a time but it’s slow.
(Takes about twice as long to get the data about my patrons as it does to get the same amount of data from Airtable since I can ask for up to 100 at a time there.)


In v2 it’s called page[size] to adhere to the JSONAPI spec.