Hi there
A couple of weeks back, Patreon’s API responses on user tier selection changed. We managed to find a work around but at the end of last week they changed again and we now have no way of finding out from the API which tier a user has subscribed at.
In order to read benefit entitlement from the Patreon API we are using the following endpoint:
- URL: https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/identity?include=memberships.currently_entitled_tiers.benefits&fields[member]=patron_status&fields[user]=first_name%2Cimage_url%2Cthumb_url%2Cvanity
- Headers: “Authorization: Bearer {token}” (using access token acquired from https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/token)
- Method: GET
Originally we received the benefit IDs in the JSON response like so:
“data”: { … },
“included”: [
“type”: “benefit”,
“id”: “123456”
At some point in the past few weeks this stopped working, and we reviewed the API response again to receive benefit IDs like so:
“data”: { … },
“included”: [
“type”: “tier”,
“relationships”: {
“benefits”: {
“data”: [
“id”: “123456”
This method has stopped working too and in the JSON response we’re getting now there are no benefit IDs present at all, despite having “include=memberships.currently_entitled_tiers.benefits” specified in the API request. As such we are unable to determine if a Patreon user should have access to protected content or not.
Has anyone encountered the issue and solved it?