Patreon API returning wrong objects

The following code has worked for years flawlessly but is now failing on parsing response.Data since yesterday. There were some hickups in the past, but currently it seems the API is returning spurious data for almost 24h.

                HttpRequestMessage request = new(HttpMethod.Get,                     $"{patreonConfig.CampaignId}/members" +
                    "?include=user" +
                    $"&{WebUtility.UrlEncode("fields[member]")}=campaign_lifetime_support_cents,currently_entitled_amount_cents,patron_status" + 
                request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", await RequestAccessToken());
                HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = await _httpClientFactory.CreateClient().SendAsync(request);
                PatreonMembersResponse? response =
                    await responseMessage.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<PatreonMembersResponse>();
                if (response == null)
                    throw new Exception();

                foreach (PatreonMember member in response.Data)
                    yield return member;

this sounds similar to my issue API returning null from member id like you, my code has worked flawlessly for years. Hope we get a reply from someone who can help soon!

All who experience this - do dm me the headers and response body that the API returns for these calls.

Let me know if this went away or still persists.

It still persists until now.

You havent provided any api return/response data. Check whether you are getting rate limited and receiving 429 responses with such calls.