Patreon blocked my server

I setup the Patreon wordpress plugin months ago, and it worked fine.
But when I wanted to actually use it today I noticed that it cannot get connection to Patreon.
I created a simple connection script as well which resulted in:
Failed to connect to Patreon API. HTTP Code: 403. Response: error code: 1005

Then I tried to curl -I, and it gave me 403. Is the IP of my server blocked? I did change server last month…

I contacted my hosting and they said:
Patreon has a deny policy globally for now for all hosting providers.
Your need contact/write to patreon support

Where are you hosted?

I am hosted on Sysdop

Do you have any account at another web host or server/vps provider from where you can try that call?

Also can you get me a Cloudflare ray id from the response?


  • Have you done any modifications to the way plugin works - via custom code or other plugins?
  • How large is the traffic that you are receiving at your site?
  • Can you link me your campaign page url. (via dm)

I have other websites on my hosting which has a large volume of traffic, on this specific site, the traffic is very low (100 users per month).

I have not done any modifications to the plugin after it became not possible to make a connection to patreon. After that I tried to add User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.39.0 to the query as suggested on the forum, but it did not solve the problem for me.

I will DM you the other info

Have you done modifications to the plugin or its behavior before that?