This is a bit frustrating, as it works for me, but not my patrons. I’m using the suggested PHP
> <script type="text/javascript">
> <?php
> $patreon_custom_gate_level = 3; // 3 = $3
> if ( $patreon_gate = Patreon_Frontend::gate_custom_content( $patreon_custom_gate_level ) ) {
> ?>
> var patreonSub = false;
> <?php
> }
> else {
> ?>
> var patreonSub = true;
> <?php
> }
> ?>
> </script>
Then I test for patreonSub in my javascript. And if I’m logged in, the “patreonSub = true” works and my javascript returns the correct stuff. If I’m not logged in the “patreonSub = false” works and my javascript returns the correct stuff.
BUT, for my patrons, who have subscribed at the $3 level attempt, it doesn’t work. They get the info for “patreonSub = false”.
I’ve attempted to search this forum and the web in general, but can’t seem to find a solution.
Is there anyway for me to see the site as my patrons see it for testing purposes? Should checking for $3 actually be a test for $2?
Any thoughts on where I’m going wrong?
Thank you in advance.