Patreon Post type: Images not syncing properly

I have a lot of scheduled posts on Patreon that are image posts. I’ve noticed that when I sync with Wordpress, the image doesn’t get synced. The post title and any text within the post does sync, but no image. I haven’t had the problem with posts of the “Text” type. I have more than 100 scheduled Image type posts—any advice so I don’t have to recreate them all as “Text” posts?


Yes - because the api does not return embed/attachment info for image post types, we are not able to import the featured image in an image post yet. Any image inside the post content itself would be imported, but the image in the image post itself is not imported yet. This will change when api starts providing image info.

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Has this started happening yet? Every post I can find on the forums appears to be over a year old… The settings/setup pages make it sound like it should work, but no images come through for Patreon Image Posts → Wordpress Posts.

Featured images were not implemented in the api yet.

To clarify: I could have sworn I saw something about it pulling images from the Patreon posts–albeit only in certain formats? In my case it’s likely not an issue to change the way the posts are made on Patreon itself, so long as there IS a way to pull them through?

(That said, I believe I also saw something about only “Image” post types appearing on their mobile app? Can you confirm?)

You can pull images from Patreon posts (and the WP plugin does it automatically when syncing) as long as those images are inside the post content. If the image is the featured image, or is an attachment, you cant.

This is highly sad for gallery-posts :frowning:

content images need to be uploaded one by one = unproductive for posting galleries

image posts can drag-drop images to header = good = those do not get imported to wordpress