Below is a working and tested branch of Patreon WordPress that has Paid Memberships Pro compatibility.
Installable plugin with correct slug:
Git branch (you must correct installation slug yourself):
This new feature allows your users to unlock PMP gated content via Patreon, and Patreon gated content via PMP, allowing you to gate any content either via PMP or via Patreon, or even both.
Expected behavior:
For a logged in user:
For content gated only via PMP:
If user qualifies for access to content via any PMP tier added to a post/content, he or she will have access to the content. (Normal PMP access)
If a user has a active Patreon pledge that matches any PMP tier added to a post, the user will have access, even if the user does not qualify via PMP. (Access via Patreon)
For content gated only via Patreon:
- Normal Patreon access rules will apply (Maybe for this we can add a check for user’s PMP tiers and allow access if qualifies for Patreon tier via matching PMP tier)
For content gated with both PMP and Patreon:
If the user qualifies for access via PMP levels added to post, the user will have access
If the user qualifies for access via Patreon, normal Patreon access rules will apply
This is compatible with the behavior of old ui/ux plugin, and it provides 2 more ways to access content. You dont need the old ui/ux plugin if you are using this version of Patreon WordPress, and you can just disable the old plugin and its addons.
If you have any other ideas about gating methods or how users should have access to the content, just let us know. Any other feedback is also welcome.