My tiers are set at $2, $3, and $5. A post I published today is for the top two tiers only but displays this when imported to WordPress.
‘To view this content, you must be a member of Nicole’s Patreon at $1 or more’
The message should say $3 or more based on my tier setup. Everything is fully updated. Please advise how to resolve this as it creates a bad user experience when I am just starting out. Thank you!
WP 5.7.2 with PHP 7.4.18
Patreon WordPress 1.7.4 with API v2
I do have access to purging the Opcache, as I already stated previously. So far I have shared 2 polls to my Patreon and this issue persists for both posts.
If you DM me your creator page, i can try and check a few things in the api returns and see if they are coming in correctly. Also please dm the tiers that show up at your site and the tiers which you expect to show up.
I’ve reported a similar bug that’s been open for months. Something broke with version 1.7.2. If you download and manually install 1.7.1, it should work–at least it does for me.
We use Patreon and Patreon Plugin Pro. We have content locking turned on the entire site for $1 (and then some additional pages/posts at the $5 and $15 level).
I had this set in both plugins for $1, in the main Patreon plugin for the Make entire site Patron-only with Pledge Level option and in the Pro on the ‘Content Locking’ > Allow only patrons to login. This caused no issues having set in both places on 1.7.1 but broke in 1.7.2. I deleted out the value in the Pro plugin and everything on 1.7.5 seems to be working now! Feel dumb not having caught this earlier.
I need to do some testing to make sure not having $1 set in pro breaks any walls, but looks like we’re in business.
Patreon Free Plugin and Pro Plugin both have a spot to set a dollar threshold to lock the whole site. I used to have $1 in both input boxes. 1.7.1 and before having both filled in presented no issue.
Beginning with 1.7.2, the site would present the ‘sorry, only Patrons with $1 pledge or over’ message even for $15+ patrons. I just realized today, by leaving $1 in the Patron Free Plugin config but by erasing the $1 from the Pro input field (leave it blank) that things seem to work correctly even on 1.7.5. However, 1.7.5 is still ‘broken’ if both the Pro and Free versions have a dollar value.
So my issue is resolved, but might want to fix that or make note of it for troubleshooting.
Maybe I confused myself–was running on very little sleep today. Anyway, the fix didn’t hold either–users started seeing errors again. I had to revert back to version 1.7.1. I’ll try troubleshooting some of my settings but it seems like something must have changed between 1.7.1 and 1.7.2.