I’m trying to retrieve posts from our creator account using the following endpoint:
This works fine and I get the following payload:
"data" : {
"attributes" : {},
"id" : "<post_id>",
"type" : "post"
"links" : {
"self" : "https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/posts/<post_id>"
The problem is when I try to get other fields from this endpoint. Since the documentation is lacking, I’m basing my requests on the code I see in the WordPress plug-in. In patreon_api_v2.php
, the get_post
function shows that the fields are specified as:
I’m URL encoding these parameters before adding them to the query string, but I’m still getting the bare payload without any title or content.
Am I doing something wrong here or is this API not working correctly?
Can you post your exact call? You could also get all those as an include while querying posts endpoint to get the list of posts/
Here is the command I’m using with curl
curl --request GET --url https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/posts/<post_id>?fields%5Bpost%5D%3Dtitle%2Ccontent%2Cis_paid%2Cis_public%2Cpublished_at%2Curl%2Cembed_data%2Cembed_url%2Capp_id%2Capp_status --header 'authorization: Bearer REDACTED'
The requested post was created by the user account used to create the Bearer token.
I also tried your suggestion of using an include parameter, but get an error when I try to use things like “post”, “campaign.posts”, “title”, etc.:
curl --request GET --url https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/campaigns/<campaign_id>/posts?include=post --header 'authorization: Bearer REDACTED'
"errors" : [
"code" : 1,
"code_name" : "ParameterInvalidOnType",
"detail" : "Invalid parameter for 'include' on type post: ['post'].",
"id" : "eb075c1c-7386-54ba-b2f7-b053e8786c5a",
"status" : "400",
"title" : "Invalid value for parameter 'include'."
Still stumped.
I’m an idiot. I was URL encoding the “=” in the query string.
For anyone that stumbles across this thread, use a curl
command like this:
curl --request GET --url 'https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/posts/<post_id>?fields%5Bpost%5D=title%2Ccontent%2Cis_paid%2Cis_public%2Cpublished_at%2Curl%2Cembed_data%2Cembed_url%2Capp_id%2Capp_status' --header 'authorization: Bearer REDACTED'
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While I have your attention @codebard - is there a way to get the uploads and tags associated with the post?
Currently the api does not support attachments and tags, so no. It may be a good addition though.
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