I’m in the process of testing Patreon oauth on my project with different accounts. So far, I have set up a creator account and added a 7 day trial tier. On the second account, I have pledged to the 7 day trial tier. I’m not sure if its because my card hasn’t been charged yet (I was hoping to test without making any charges) but when I see the response for the second account it doesn’t include the relationships or included fields.
data: {
attributes: {
id: 'xxxx',
relationships: {}, <-- this is missing
type: 'user'
included: [], <-- this is missing
links: { self: 'https://www.patreon.com/api/user/xxxx' }
As a follow up question, I’m using the “relationships.pledges.data” part of the response to see if a creator’s pledge id is included. Is this the proper way of verifying that a patron is pledged to a specific creator?