Hey there,
I’m trying to refresh my creator access token via a POST to the /api/oauth2/token
endpoint like so:
I did it once, while my token was expired, and I got the new token back:
{"access_token": "...", "expires_in": ..., "token_type": "...", "scope": "...", "refresh_token": "...", "version": "..."}
After implementing the code to handle the response and use the new tokens, I tried to refresh my token again (yes I’m using the new access token and new refresh token). The API returns a 200 (OK) and invalidates the tokens I’ve supplied, however the response is empty - it does not return the json with the new OAuth tokens. If I hop over to the portal and check the client app, it has generated new tokens that are indeed valid. Refreshing tokens now always returns an empty response with 200 (OK) status code and generates new tokens on the website.
Is this intended behavior? Or an API bug? I haven’t found any information regarding it.