I’m using the Patreon WordPress app to direct to Patreon to sign up for paid content. When users are directed to Patreon from my website they see a ‘How much to pledge’ page. Is there a way it can show the tiers they can choose from?
Currently there isnt - Patreon is set to display the closest amount to whatever $ amount you locked your post.
Ie, if you locked your post for $5 but your closest tier is $6, Patreon will show them the $6 tier.
That’s not happening for me. I’m setting my page amount to $2 and I have a $2 tier but it’s defaulting to a $1 tier.
Is there any further developments on this? Plug in still isn’t matching to the closest tier.
This is a very weird situation. I am not able to reproduce it.
If possible, please arrange a WP admin user/pass (a new one) so that i can check that on-site, and mail it to ozgur@c.patreon.com . Please delete this admin account after debugging is done, and do not send any login info to any other user via pm or via email other than the mentioned email.
I’ll have a look at it tomorrow.