I’m trying to build Patreon support into my application. What I would like to do is give a special feature in my NodeJS application if the current user depending on their pledge tier.
I believe the flow should be:
- User logs into my application @ nothic.io
- User clicks the “Link my Patreon Account” button
- User is redirected to Patreon to give authorization to link accounts and read information
- I store token information for this user in my DB so that the user doesn’t need to hit that button every time.
- Now, and when the user logs into NothicIO again, we use the token information to pull down what pledge tier they are at, and thus unlocking different services.
I can’t seem to figure out how to get that flow to work though.
I’ve followed the directions at https://docs.patreon.com/#oauth and this works fine when I’m logged into my primary CREATOR account. I could in theory store this token information and use it to access all the campaign information, but this seems wrong to me.
When I try to follow the same path while logged in as my Patreon TEST PATRON account, I get a 403 forbidden. I believe this is because that account is NOT the creator of the campaign.
The reason I want to use the flow as outlined above is that it simplifies my verification of user information. If I have to link/save only my creator account information on the server, then I end up having to do a great deal of parsing and non-secure verification by comparing users/pledges/e-mail addresses.