I’ve tried that, and it’s not made any difference. It still says it’s doing an ongoing post import, but bringing nothing over.
When I first set it up, it imported a load of posts, many of which I then had to delete as they were duplicates. But since then, it’s not imported anything.
WP Cron is working, with the script running every five minutes. Since my last post, the import finished in one burst of updates, but it’s not brought over the posts done since then.
Can you compare the creator access token that is in your plugin’s settings at ‘Connection’ interface and the creator access token at the apps entry for that site in the apps page below?
For the new posts to be fetched, the plugin must go through syncing all your existing posts and then get to the latest ones. You can try pushing the import ahead by clicking ‘Import next’.
I’ve been trying the manual push for ages, and nothing has updated. The plugin has registered several connection errors every day-
get_posts - API v2 Class - UUID cbfb31d5-8abc-59fb-b376-b8c71e28688d - Response code: 400 Response :{“errors”:[{“code”:3,“code_name”:“ParameterInvalid”,“detail”:“Invalid parameter for ‘page[cursor]’: Invalid or expired cursor.”,“id”:“cbfb31d5-8abc-59fb-b376-b8c71e28688d”,“source”:{“parameter”:“page[cursor]”},“status”:“400”,“title”:“Invalid value for parameter ‘page[cursor]’.”}]}
Yes, it says that a post sync has failed and possibly stuck. Do you see a post sync being listed as ongoing when you list Patreon Settings and go down to the post section?
That is likely a bug with post sync getting stuck at your wp cron. A fix for that will be coming out in the new versions. Until then, you may need to manually carry over your new posts.