Tiers not loading on visitors page


I noticed the Tiers are not loading on the visitors page. It does load my patreon linkin blue, “stijn van den Hovens Patreon” but not the tier level there. It rather gives code:

To view this content, you must be a member of Stijn van den Hoven’s Patreon at %%tier_level%% or higher tier

In the admin, it does load the tiers on the edit page and I can set them.
See screenshot.

Are you using Patron Pro? Then you have to upgrade to the latest version.

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Thanks for your quick answer. Yes I bought the PRO version.

I have Version 1.3.1

I just installed this a few days ago from the download link. Is there a newer version? Did not get an update notification or cant access the link, page not found.


Oops! That page can’t be found.
It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try searching?

Link should be patron plugin pro.

However, you can just check your plugin admin in WP to see if there is an update available for it. Latest is 1.3.2.

In the console, at first, it did not show as an update availlable.


Is the link you get to when you click on the “visit plugin site” in wordpress.

I went to new plugin page and went back and now showed the update. When clicked on it: It throws this error.

Reloading page again shows no update availlable sometimes.

I used the forced update check via wordpress dashboard/update.

It then threw this error:

Update Plugin

A new version of Patron Plugin Pro is available! Please update your plugin to benefit from security fixes, bug fixes and new features. To update your plugin, click here

Dismiss this notice.

Downloading update from License is invalid! The update will fail! If you just saved/updated your license, please wait 30-45 minutes for it to take effect at the update server. You can get your license at downloads section of your CodeBard account and save/update your it in your plugin’s Addons tab.…

Download failed. A valid URL was not provided.

Let me see first if I need to update my license… Need to check how to get to the download section of my codebard account to get the license.

Now what we learned from this is the the link to visit plugin site is incorrect.(for you guys to fix)
That it does not throw the license error there on the pluginpage when trying to update it. (for you guys to fix or extra informing users when downloading first time that this needs to be done)*

That I needed to fill in my license.

So I think this will be it, but this thread still gave you some improvement feedback. Thanks for your support.

Update now loaded (after license was activated) and issue is solved for me. But still some things to doublecheck for you as per above feedback. :slight_smile:

Well, the license needed to be saved for updates when the plugin was installed, since it is explicitly stated that its needed for updates. Currently there isnt a mechanism to additionally nag the users to save their license. Since it would be a bit obnoxious.