Hey there, I have an endpoint I’m trying to access as a user to get some post data back.
I’m hitting this endpoint https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/posts/${postId}?fields${encodeURIComponent("[post]")}=content,title,url,embed_data,embed_url,tiers,published_at
When I’m signed into my account (creator of Campaign) I can get the post data fine. However when signed in to a user account I was get nothing back.
I realized I needed to adjust the scopes and added campaigns and campaigns.posts to my login.
After updating the scopes, I now get this error on the user account:
errors: [
code: 6,
code_name: 'ViewForbidden',
detail: 'You do not have permission to view post with id 81247647.',
id: '6444a9b0-5568-519f-9ca5-c0e5d642d69e',
status: '403',
title: 'You do not have permission to view this post.'
I’ve tried making the posts public, I’m also subscribed to the correct tier on the user account, and am still getting the error.