After purchasing the Patreon Pro Plugin, I tried to set up a test page with Patreon restrictions and I could not access it with my test Patreon account. Similar issues to many others, I have “Unlock with Patreon” > Allow > Directed to page (still locked) > “Refresh to access this content” > Allow > Directed to page (still locked)
With the tips from this forum, I have:
- Reconnected Patreon API via Connection Details
- Deactivated and remove all Caching plugins
- Clear local browser cache
- Patreon test account is > 2 months old (Can’t be 1st of the month charging issue)
At this stage, I’m using another membership plugin ARMember to manage my content restrictions. I’m quite lost at what to do now and I’m not great with computer/coding stuff. Please assist as layman as possible.